A mobile robot spinning in a circle on the field.

Mobile robot for small-scale farming


Close-up of a seed sorting machine

Robotic cell with machine vision for a wide variety of tasks

Delta robot

A man uses a shovel to lift wood chips onto a mobile robot.

Mobile robot with robotic arm for research

Custom mobile robot

Mobile robot for soil density measurement

EU project: Afarcloud

Kaksipyöräinen, robottikädellä varusteltu mobiilirobotti

Mobile robot with robotic arm to demonstrate the 5G network

5G mobile robot

3D-malli puujyrsin-robotista

Machine building for woodworking

Wood milling machine


Machine building for sheet processing and liquid dispensing

Dispensing equipment

3D-mallinnus testauslaitteistosta

Machine building with machine vision for testing electronics

Testing equipment

Close up of a film folding machine

Machine building for testing durability of film-like material

Film folding machine

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