Robotic cell for palletising

Teollisuusrobotti tarttumassa nostamaan hihnalta levypinoja.

The palletising robotic cell includes a KUKA KR 120 palletising robot, a custom gripper, a roller conveyor and a label printer applicator. The cell was created for the Pattijoen Kalustetekniikka company for the palletising of furniture board packages.

The robot lifts the furniture board packages wrapped in plastic from a roller conveyor and collects them on platforms. Each cell has two places for platforms. The cell is protected by a safety enclosure, which enables changing the platforms easily in the narrow space.

The gripper system has four UniGripper vacuum tools, and the outermost tools can be moved based on the package size. The print and apply system used is the Hermes Q label printer applicator, which prints the label and applies it on the surface of the furniture board package.

Probot was also in charge of designing and implementing the user interface. The user interface was designed based on the customer’s wishes to utilise a barcode scanner for selecting the running products.

“Thanks to the robot, the component piles leaving the packing department are much neater, with all corners perfectly aligned. Attaching corner protectors is much easier now that the stacks line up. And of course, it’s much nicer to send such neat and even stacks to our customers.”

-Satu Soronen, Pattijoen Kalustetekniikka
KUKA Teollisuusrobotti kasaa levypinoja

Read the full customer testimonial on our blog.

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