The Open Doors Event Was a Great Success!


Uuden hallin avajaisia ja Avoimet ovet -tapahtumaa vietettiin 17.5.2023.

We celebrated the opening of our new hall with an Open Doors event in Kempele in mid-May. The event was open to all and aimed at people interested in technology, robotics, automation, and virtual reality. To our delight, several of our partners also participated in the Open Doors event. The day was full of interesting discussions, wonderful encounters, delicious cake, and good vibes. We have to admit that our expectations were exceeded!

Mies seisoo mikrofoni kädessään. OIkealla puolella pinkkejä ja valkoisia ilmapalloja. Vasemmalla kaksi miestä. Taustalla näkyy lisää ihmisiä, kierreportaat ja pöytiä.
At the event, Jani Rytkö and Jani Juntikka grabbed the mic. This time, however, karaoke was not allowed, but the team Jani rolled up their sleeves for the hosting. However, the most attentive ones probably heard how Jani Rytkö sing a few times during the day.

The idea to organise Probot’s first Open Doors event started more than a year ago. When the construction of the new assembly hall in Kempele got off to a good start, it seemed obvious that the event would be held in our new hall in Zatelliitti. It was also a great opportunity to celebrate the opening of the new hall. The day chosen was Wednesday 17th May 2023, the day before Ascension Day.

Etualalla naisen sivuprofiili, jolla kädessä kännykkä. Kännykän näytöllä näkyy kuva kolmesta miehestä. Taustalla näkyy yksi miehistä, jonka kuva näytöllä on.
Roosa shared stories throughout the day on Probot’s Instagram account about the event. Fortunately, our partner OMRON didn’t run off as the camera approached.

In addition to the opening of the hall, the event was designed to give anyone interested in the subject the opportunity to learn about the latest technologies with a low threshold, to bring together robotics enthusiasts, and to highlight the potential of robotics to solve working life challenges in many fields.

– We presented and demonstrated our own robotics solutions at the event. During the day, visitors were able to learn about virtual reality, collaborative robots, and a wide range of mobile robots, from robot dogs to giant field robot. In addition to our own experts, our partners Omron, Cajo Technologies, Sick, the University of Oulu, and Centria University of Applied Sciences were also present. The program also included the opening ceremony with speeches, celebration toasts, and cake, says Roosa Hyvärinen, who works in marketing and event organisation.

Monta erilaista ja eri kokoista pyörillä liikkuvaa robottia sekä kaksi erilaista robottikoiraa. Taustalla ihmisiä.
At the event, visitors had the opportunity to learn about a wide range of mobile robots and to try controlling a robot dog.

Matti Tikanmäki, CEO of Probot, received praise from many parties during the day.

– The event was considered interesting and suitably relaxed. There were enough visitors for the whole day, and the total number of visitors was well over 100. The experience was also rewarding for the team. It was great to see a wide range of projects that we have worked on in a tangible way for the first time and how much we have actually achieved.

We would like to warmly thank all the visitors and partners who participated in the event.

We hope that the great atmosphere of the event is partly conveyed by these pictures.

Kolme hymyilee miestä seisoo roll up -mainosten edessä. Kaikilla on kädessä pinkki kahvikuppi.
Our Certified Partner OMRON presented their collaborative robots and mobile robot solutions at the event. While chatting with Henri, Vesa and Sami, we all had a smile on our faces.
Hymyilevä nainen seisoo roll up -mainosten edessä.
Our partner Cajo Technologies Oy was represented at the event by sunny Jasmina.
Mies seisoo valkoisen pöydän takana roll up -mainosen vieressä. Taustalla portaat ja hyllyjä.
Fortunately, our partner Sick was also able to join the event in the afternoon. Thank you Arttu!
Pöydällä on kannettavia tietokoneita, joiden takana seisoo kolme hymyilevää miestä ja pöydän vieressä yksi mies.
Our long-time partner Centria University of Applied Sciences presented various mobile robots at the event. Along with Antti, Sakari, and Tero, Sick’s Arttu joined the group photo also.
Mies on kyykyssä ison robottikoira vieressä. Hänellä on toisessa kädessä koirakuppi, jossa on ruuveja. Toisella kädellä ojentaa ruuvia robottikoiran selässä olevaa käsivarsirobottia kohti.
Our partner Tarraserif completely surprised us! They gave Master The Robot Dog (Unitree B1) his own customized food cup, which they had thoughtfully filled with nuts and screws instead of traditional dog food. Master didn’t refuse the treats offered by Joni.
Robottikoira näkyy osittain kuvan oikeassa reunassa. Etualalla koiran ruokakuppi, joka on täynnä ruuveja.
A big thank you to Tarraserif for the Master’s own cup and the Master’s artful taping to match our brand!
Hymyilevä nainen ja kaksi miestä seisovat pinkin roll up -mainoksen edessä. Miehet kättelevät ja toisella on kädessä kukkakimppu.
It was also wonderful to have Miia Marjanen, Vitality Director in Kempele, and Tuomas Lohi, Mayor of Kempele Municipality, visit us. A warm thank you for the beautiful bouquet.
Kuvan läpi kulkee nauha, jota mies pitää kiinni toisesta päästä. Toinen mies seisoo sakset kädessään ja on leikkaamassa nauhaa poikki. Taustalla ilmapalloja.
The event included an opening ceremony for the new hall at midday. Matti had the honor of cutting the ribbon for the ceremony. On the same occasion, we also heard Matti’s speech, toasted with bubbles, and enjoyed a filling cake. In his speech, Matti reminded us that if you find yourself thinking “could this be done with a robot”, you know who to contact.
Mies istuu pinkin jumppapallon päällä tietokoneen edessä selkä kameraan. Vieressä toinen mies kyykyssä ja kolmas seisoo. Etualalla robotti.
Olli-Pekka, our “XR wizard”, organised a dedicated virtual reality corner for the event. At the VR corner, you could see a concrete example of how augmented reality could be used in robotics. The event also included a virtual tour of a cell inside a KUKA deltarobot as well as collaborative robots, our own mobile robots and mobile robots presented by BISG (The University of Oulu’s Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group).
Etualla pyörillä varustettu mobiilirobotti. Robotin takana seisoo lippalakki päässä mies, jonka toisessa kädessä ohjain. Taustalla näkyy iso pyörillä varusteltu mobiilirobotti.
Our mobile robot expert Kari was able to present our own mobile robot solutions at the event. Mobile robotics is our number one passion!
Etualalla pinkki roll up -mainos, jossa robotiikkaa. Taustalla kahvipöytä ja kukkia.

Probot Oy – Specialist in Robotics.

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