You don't want to miss this one!

You may have already noticed from our social media that we have a new assembly hall in Kempele. The walls are now built, the corners have been cleaned and the door handles are polished. It’s time for the opening ceremony and open doors!

We warmly welcome you to join us!

Sign up to join us!

Event details

The name of the event:
Probot Open House and Opening of The New Hall

Date and time of event:
Wednesday 17 May 2023 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Event address:
Probot Hall, Planeettatie 6B , 90440 Kempele.
Our new hall is located in Kempele’s Zatelliitti, next to Specialmetal Group Oy.

Further information:
For more information, please visit the event page. The event is free of charge and open to everyone, but we hope that you would register in advance.

Register for our event via the attached form!


Sign up to join in!

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